There are 5 ways to schedule your training:
1. You can create your own personalized programs ('Personalized Program' on the Home screen -> 'Create Program') where you can set your program length and intensity, choose a class duration, and select trainers. By answering a few questions, you can get a custom plan that aligns with your goals, preferences, and skill level. The algorithm keeps workouts fresh and varied, with new classes added weekly to keep you engaged.
2. You can join one of our on-demand flexibility and mobility programs (Programs in the top menu). These programs range from 7 to 90 days with 5-7 classes per week, each focused on a specific goal such as the Full Body Health program or the Front Splits Challenge.
3. You can follow our Personal Recommendations to pick a class ('Personalized Program' on the Home screen -> Pick a Class). The app will ask about your level, goals, etc., and will pick a class for you. After the class, the app will ask for your feedback on the class and will pick your next class. Our algorithm is smart and it will secure balanced training for you.
4. You can take classes from our Daily Stretch section on the Home screen whenever you'd like to stretch. Every day it shows a new class. The Daily Stretch section includes short classes labeled Difficulty 1 and 2 (the difficulty level is indicated by lightning symbols) from all our class packages and is aimed at targeting and improving full-body flexibility.
5. You can manually pick classes from the library (Classes on the bottom menu) whenever you'd like to train.
We suggest choosing any of the first four options, just because it’s easier and you don’t have to think about what class to take :)
Please also check out our ‘How to Pick a Class’ video in the STRETCHIT Fundamentals section (Classes on the bottom menu -> STRETCHIT Fundamentals). The video covers the most frequently asked questions you may need to know to use the app in the most effective way.
Happy stretching!
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